New Haven Pride Festival Postponed to Sunday, October 22

Once again, the New Haven Pride Festival (planned for Saturday, October 21) has been postponed due to rain. Join us instead on Sunday, October 22 from noon to 6 p.m.!

Given this change, we will organize a group to walk over to the Festival from coffee hour after the 10:30 service. Meet up with Rev. Heidi in the Undercroft at 11:45, and we will make the short walk to the intersection of Orange Street and Crown Street. We will not set up a table, but instead walk around and enjoy the festival together. Join us!

Augie SeggerComment
Fall 2023 Adult Seminar Series

This Sunday, we begin a series of five seminars titled "The Matrix of Faith and State." Led by Charles Lemert and Kate Walton, these seminars study the dynamic between faith and public life in New Haven, in America, and in the Middle East.

Our first seminar, led by Charles, is titled "Harriet Tubman as the Evangelical Moses of Escaping Slaves." See below for a full list of upcoming seminars.

  • October 22: Harriet Tubman as the Evangelical Moses of Escaping Slaves

  • October 29: Abraham Lincoln's Speech on the New Haven Green

  • November 5: Israel: Its Promised Land, Its Babylonian Captivity, and Today

Recess for Christmas Market and Thanksgiving

  • December 3: Trinity Home Board's Women Create a Feminine Space

  • December 10: Harry Croswell: Disestablishment of Church from State

All seminars meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Undercroft Library.

Augie SeggerComment
Stewarding Our Faith: Trinity's Outreach Programs

Our faith calls us to embrace the world, and at Trinity we do this by reaching out to our neighbors on the New Haven Green, extending our care and compassion to all. Chapel on the Green represents a diverse congregation, both housed and unhoused, who gather every Sunday to worship and share a meal. Outreach Coordinator Lisa Levy shares how she’s seen Trinity’s commitment to outreach build a stronger, more compassionate community.

As we reflect on our 2024 Stewardship theme, "Many Gifts, One Spirit," we are reminded of the imperative to reach out and care for our neighbors. We extend our gratitude to Lisa, Trinity’s Outreach Coordinator, for her insight into this theme.

Through Lisa’s testimony, we are reminded that our shared mission in 2024 is rooted in recognizing the myriad gifts within our community. Your commitment ensures that our Trinity community is a place that reflects God’s radically inclusive love.

Click here to make your pledge for 2024.

Augie SeggerComment
St. Luke's and Trinity at Worship on Sunday, October 15

Last Sunday, the Trinity community joined St. Luke's Episcopal Church for a joyful celebration of their Patronal Feast Day. Thank you to Rev. Teresa Morgan and the entire St. Luke's community for hosting us, and to Rev. Rowena Kemp for her moving sermon. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide both our communities as we walk together in hope, reconciliation, and love.

Click here to view some photos from the day, courtesy of George DeYounge.

Augie SeggerComment
Stewarding Our Faith: Many Gifts, One Spirit

The saying "Many Gifts, One Spirit" has been our guiding light on this incredible journey as members of the Trinity community. We are a congregation of many talents, backgrounds, and gifts, yet we are bound by one Spirit and one purpose—to grow in faith and serve the Lord. As we embark on our 2024 Stewardship Appeal, "Many Gifts, One Spirit," we celebrate the richness of our diversity and the unity we find in our shared faith.

In the video above, vestry member Charlie O'Connell reflects on church as a family affair. Please watch the video and consider making your gift for 2024. You can return the pledge form that was mailed to all parish households, or click the button below. For questions or more information, please call or email our Development Manager, AnnaDea Diotaveli.

203-624-3101 (ext. 104)

Click here to make your pledge for 2024.

Augie SeggerComment
Christmas Market: November 17-19

Our annual Christmas Market is just around the corner. Homemade crafts, plants/bulbs, cookies, jams, pickles, soups-to-go, and the always-popular tag sale are among the many things to look forward to. Save the dates below so you can help out and SHOP!

  • Friday, November 17: 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

  • Saturday, November 18: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

  • Sunday, November 19: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

For more information of if you are interested in volunteering, please email Leigh Cromey.

And ... want to skip the line? Come to our Champagne Preview Party on Thursday, November 16 from 6-8 p.m.! For just $25, enjoy a glass of champagne, some nibbles, and be among the first to purchase items at the Market.

Click here to buy your champagne party ticket.

Augie SeggerComment
Christmas Pageant: Sign Up Now

Our annual Christmas Pageant takes place on Sunday, December 17 during our 10:30 service. We need your child(ren), grandchild(ren), niece, nephew, or any child in your life to help proclaim the good news of Jesus' birth! There is one rehearsal on Saturday, December 16, and non-speaking parts are available. Please email Angela with any questions!

Augie SeggerComment
A Celebration of the Life of Gerrie Adams

This Wednesday, October 15, our Midweek Eucharist at 12:10 p.m. will be offered in memory of beloved parishioner Gerrie Adams. A brief prayer service will follow as we commit Gerrie's ashes in the Columbarium. All members of the Trinity community are invited to attend.

Augie SeggerComment
Blessing of the Stuffed Animals

We regret to share that, due to the forecasted tomorrow, we will not gather at Olympia Farm to bless Farmer Anne's animals. Instead, all parishioners are invited to bring their stuffed animals to church this Sunday to be blessed during our 10:30 service. St. Francis, pray for us!

Augie SeggerComment
Celebrating 20 Years of the Choir of Adults & Girls

In the fall of 2003, the Choir of Adults & Girls was founded to grant girls the same musical education, formation, and community that was offered to boys since 1885. Since then, children of all genders have joined the long procession of alumni/ae who have been shaped by Trinity's chorister program. In addition to its regular duties at Trinity Church, the Girls' Choir has taken its music to cities and towns up and down the East Coast, performing with noted orchestras in concert, and has toured twice to the United Kingdom, singing regular services in churches and cathedrals there.

"The Choir of Adults & Girls has already assumed an important place in the ongoing history of Trinity's strong and unwavering support of the musical and personal formation of young people in the greater New Haven area," says Director of Music Walden Moore. "It has already proven itself a vital part of the worship life of the parish, and its graduates testify to the important role that it has had in their formation, especially as seen from their perspective as the adults they have become. I am honored to have been a part of this important step in Trinity's ongoing community work." 

To celebrate this special milestone, alumnae will join the Choir of Adults & Girls and the Boys' Choir on Sunday, November 12 at 5 p.m. for a special Evensong with works by Eleanor Daley, Jessica French, and C. V. Stanford. All are welcome!

And speaking of Walden ... the Choir of Adults & Girls was founded at Walden's direction. It is fitting, therefore, that the twentieth anniversary of the choir coincides with the year of Walden’s well-earned retirement. As Walden prepares to leave Trinity in June 2024, we offer the following events to honor his legacy and thank him for his many years of service.


Augie SeggerComment
Hope and Action in the Climate Crisis

Thursday, October 12 at 5:30 p.m. | 395 Round Hill Road, Greenwich, CT 06831

Join the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network (IREJN) and the Round Hill Community Church for networking and discussion about climate change—where we are and what we need to do. There will be opportunities to learn about various environmental organizations in Connecticut and hear from prominent religious environmental leaders—including Bill McKibben, founder of and Third Act.

The event is free but donations are gratefully accepted. It will also be recorded and available for viewing.


Augie SeggerComment
POSTPONED: New Haven Pride Festival

Due to the forecasted rain and high winds tomorrow, the New Haven Pride Festival (and Trinity's participation in it) has been postponed. We will share information on the rescheduling of the event once details have been finalized. Stay safe tomorrow!

Augie SeggerComment
Join Us for Morning Prayer Every Sunday

A church community develops first and foremost through trust in God. When members of the community decide to express this trust in regular prayer, it becomes a source of strength to everyone.

This year we will gather at Trinity for Morning Prayer every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Once a month we will celebrate a traditional Choral Morning Prayer with the beauty of Anglican sacred music, while on other Sundays we will go for simplicity, creativity, and everything in between. Whatever the format may be, the importance of community prayer can hardly be overstated. Assisting each other to find our strength and support in Christ is such a gift and makes our community grow.

So come and join us every Sunday at 9:00! It will make for a longer Sunday if you choose to attend Eucharist as well, but the gift of prayer will highlight more and more how grounding it is to "heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation" (Psalm 95:1).

-Rev. Luk De Volder

Augie SeggerComment
Welcome to Sarah, Associate Director of Music!

We are thrilled to welcome Sarah Johnson to the Trinity family as our new Associate Director of Music. With her exceptional talents as a gifted musician, Sarah is a rising star in the world of liturgical music and her passion and dedication to nurturing our musical community is sure to inspire us all. Sarah comes to us from the Eastman School of Music, where she is pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.). In this special Q&A, we sit down with Sarah to learn more about her musical journey, her aspirations, and her vision for the future of music in our parish.

Augie SeggerComment
Christmas Market: Tag Sale Edition

Our annual Christmas Market is swiftly approaching (save the date: November 17-19!). As you begin fall cleaning around your home, we encourage you to consider donating gently used items for our tag sale.

Upcoming drop dates:

  • Saturday, September 30 (9 a.m.): Cookie Bake

  • Sunday, October 1 (after services)

  • Sunday, November 5 (after services)

  • Every Wednesday (9 a.m. - noon) from October 4 to November 8

  • By special arrangement (see email addresses below)

Please donate clean, working, "like new" items listed here:

  • Kitchenware/appliances

  • Small furniture items

  • Art

  • Children's toys and games

  • Holiday decor

  • Home/yard decor

  • Linens

  • Jewelry

  • Craft supplies

  • Personal accessories (purses, scarves, etc.)

We cannot accept these items:

  • Clothing

  • Books

  • Records/CDs

  • Movies of any kind

  • Electronics

Questions about tag sale items? Email Constance Cahill (

Questions about the Christmas Market? Email Leigh Cromey (

Augie SeggerComment
Youth Group in Full Swing!

Trinity's youth group kicked off the year with an amazing day at Johnson's Duckpin. Everyone had a blast playing New England bowling! Our next event is apple picking at Bishop's Orchard on Sunday, October 15.

If you're interested in joining the youth group or would like more information, email Rev. Luk at

Augie SeggerComment
Trinity Book Group: The Dictionary of Lost Words

Wednesday, October 11 at 4 p.m. | RSVP for Location

The Trinity Book Group is meeting in person on Wednesday, October 11 at the home of Charlotte Rea. We will discuss The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams. A fun, deeply reflective and harrowing account of words, their use and distortion, this book is as unputdownable as it is an ocean of wisdom.

Please RSVP to Charlotte ( if you would like to attend. You will receive her address upon reservation.

If you wish to know more about the Trinity Book Group, please contact Jennifer Briggs (

Augie SeggerComment
Healing from Internalized Oppression

Friday, October 13 | 6-9 p.m.

Saturday, October 14 | 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

St. Monica's Church (3575 Main Street, Hartford)

The Episcopal Church Church Office of African Descent Ministries is offering a two-day retreat, Healing from Internalized Oppression: Who Told You You Were Naked? The event is intended for those within the church community who are interested in uncovering and confronting shame in order to explore and healing internalized racial traumas among people of color. Spanish translation will be available at the retreat.

There is no charge to attend, but seating is limited so register today! The retreat is sponsored by the Office of the Canon for Mission Advocacy, Racial Justice, and Reconciliation.

Click here to RSVP (deadline September 29).

Note: This is a two-day series for people of color and attendance is required on both days.

Augie SeggerComment