Trinity to St. Luke's on Sunday, October 15

On the morning of Sunday, October 15, our Trinity community will join St. Luke's Episcopal Church, New Haven, for worship. There will be no morning services at Trinity.

St. Luke's was formed in the early nineteenth century when actions and decisions led a group of Black parishioners to leave Trinity and form their own church. In recent years, members of St. Luke's and Trinity on the Green have been working together to explore our common and interrelated history, to worship and pray together, and to practice the wisdom of racial healing and reconciliation.

In this spirit, we humbly, wholeheartedly, and joyfully accept St. Luke's invitation to worship together on their patronal feast day. We will join as an entire congregation, bringing with us our love, energy, and care for racial healing. Words cannot express the importance of such a common worship time. Please join the Trinity family at St. Luke's on Sunday, October 15, as we renew our commitment and support to the work of God's grace working among us.

Services at St. Luke's:

9:15 a.m. – Bible Study (Parish Hall)

10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist (Nave)

11:15 a.m. – Festive Coffee Hour (Parish Hall)

Services at Trinity:

2:00 p.m. – Chapel on the Green

5:00 p.m. – Choral Evensong

Augie SeggerComment
Parish Picnic Lunch Contributions

Last Sunday, September 10, we celebrated a beautiful parish picnic at Ft. Nathan Hale with a moving Eucharist, wonderful fellowship, and a dramatic ending of torrential rain. Happily, everyone arrived home safely and the kids had a blast, with face painting and playing in the rain.

We humbly ask for your support to help defray the expenses of our catered lunch. Suggested donation is $15, which can be given in cash or online (click here). Thank you for your support.

Augie SeggerComment
Make a Blanket to Donate

All parishioners are invited to Children and Family Ministries this Sunday, September 17 at 9:30 a.m. in the Undercroft. We will be making "tie blankets" with the Wednesday Group, which will be donated through The Binky Patrol and Project Linus to children experiencing trauma or illness. This is a great opportunity for established Trinity parishioners to meet our new families and help our children serve others. Please join us!

Augie SeggerComment

Please note that the location of our Parish Picnic this Sunday has been moved to the Harbor Pavilion at Ft. Nathan Hale (20 Woodward Ave, New Haven). Parking will be available on a first-come, first-served basis near the pavilion.

Trinity will provide catered sandwiches from Koffee to meet a variety of dietary needs. Suggested donation is $15 per person, which can be given in cash or online (click here). Those who are invested in the spirit of potlucks are invited to bring a dessert or appetizer to go along with the meal.

Click here for directions.

Augie SeggerComment
Interfaith Visit to Congregation B'nai Jacob

Sunday, September 24 | 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Are you interested in learning about other religions, and building relationships with people of other faiths? Congregation B’nai Jacob (Woodbridge, CT) has been a partner and friend to Trinity, particularly as a sponsor group at Chapel on the Green.

Rev. Heidi is organizing a small group from Trinity to visit Congregation B’nai for Kol Nidre, a service at the heart of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. We will join this observance as guests, and may arrange a time at a later date to reflect on the experience.

RSVP to Rev. Heidi is required since a limited number of guest spots are available and the synagogue has requested names in advance, and identification on the day of the service. Contact Rev. Heidi with any questions.

RSVP by September 19 to

Augie SeggerComment
Please Bring Non-Perishable Foods to Church

Each item is greatly appreciated by local food pantries—the need is great and we have a chance to make a difference in someone's life.

If you are a member of Costco or another warehouse distribution store, items such as canned beans and Ramen noodles can be purchased for a fraction of the cost. Personal care items are also needed, such as toothpaste and soap.

If you have any questions, please contact Gloria Hoda (

Thank you!

Augie SeggerComment
Confirmation Classes

Confirmation is a sacramental rite in which a mature Christian affirms their faith, surrounded by the prayers of their community. This is a meaningful practice for people who were baptized as infants, and is particularly appropriate for teenagers and older adults.

We are planning to host confirmation classes in the winter, for those hoping to be confirmed in the Easter Season in 2024. Read more about it below, and email Angela Arpino ( to express your interest.

The Way of Love: (Re)Introduction to Christian Faith

Deepen and confirm your faith as we explore the Way of Love, a summary of Christian belief and practice put forward by the Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop, the Rev. Michael Curry. These three sessions serve as Confirmation preparation for those wanting to be confirmed in the 2024 Easter Season.

All Classes start at 9:15am on the following Sundays:

January 21

February 25

March 24

Augie SeggerComment
In Search of Items for Immigrant Family

A local family from Syria has reached out to us at Trinity, in search of the following items to help them adjust to life in New Haven. If you have any of the following, gently used, that you are interested in donating, contact Rev. Heidi (

·      Washer

·      Dryer

·      Computer

·      Electric Bike

Augie SeggerComment
Pastoral Care Events Resume September 11

Weekly pastoral care events will resume the week of September 11. All events will take place on Zoom. For more information, please contact Lillian Revel (

Morning Meditation (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 8:30-9 a.m. starting September 11): We practice the silent method of Centering Prayer. If you wish to join but are not familiar with this method, ask Lilian for a brief explanation. Newcomers are most welcome to join this meditation group anytime. You are not committed to join every time. Just drop in as the spirit moves you.

Trinity Sages (every other Tuesday from 4-5 p.m. starting September 12): This is a conversation group that meets mothy to discuss issues that come up as we age, the changes we experience in all areas of life, and how we learn from them. And ultimately, how our wisdom can help others. Newcomers are welcome.

Spirituality Group with Luk and Lillian (Wednesdays 5-6 p.m. starting September 13): It is hard to imagine anyone who has never had any doubts about his/her faith. We all have them. Many people will keep such questions to themselves or bring them up only in private. In his book Do I stay Christian? A Guide for the Doubters, the Disappointed, and the Disillusioned author Brian McLaren brings these questions to the public arena. He guides us skillfully to finding answers for ourselves. As we read this book, Luk and Lilian will guide the group in sharing our thoughts, doubts and all. As we will see, it is not so much whether the answer is Yes or No; the answer lies much more in the How.

Women's Bible Study and Beyond (Thursdays 4-5 p.m. starting September 14): Our purpose is to form a deeply rooted community as we discuss various biblical and spiritual topics. Our starting point is usually a book by a known author. This time we will start with How We Learn to Be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith by Mariann E. Budde. “Bishop Budde teaches us to respond with clarity and grace even in the toughest times. Being brave is not a singular occurrence; it’s a journey that we can choose to undertake every day.”  Newcomers are most welcome to join this study group.

Augie SeggerComment
Ornaments Needed for Friends of the Green

Friends of the Green New Haven is donating a fully decorated Christmas tree to Trees of Hope. This magical-heartwarming annual event will be held December 2nd-10th at the Maritime Center on Long Wharf, and raises funds for the Ronald McDonald House. We are looking for New Haven made or themed ornaments to decorate the tree. A collection box will be located on the table near the sextons office. If you attend services remotely, live in CT, would like to donate, or have questions, please email Geri at

Kyle PichaComment
Small world! Trinity musicians reunite for NYC Evensong

Reunion of Trinity musicians in New York after Evensong at St Thomas Church, New York on Thursday, July 27. Left to right: Nathan and Zachary Fletcher (Trinity and St Thomas choir alums who sang in the service), Janet Yieh (Trinity Scholar alum who played for part of the service, serves now as Director of Music of Church of the Heavenly Rest, New York), Walden, Jared Johnson (Trinity Scholar alum, Director of the Girls Choir Course for which this Evensong was sung, just appointed Director of Music, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco), Jessica French (Trinity Scholar alum, composer-in-residence for the Choir Course who had premieres at the Evensong). A happy evening for all! Photo credit: Janet Yieh.

Kyle PichaComment
Yoga at Trinity -- New Time!

Phylis Iqbal, a Trinity Community member and certified yoga instructor, will be offering yoga instruction at Trinity now at a new time: the first Sundays of the Month, at 9am in the beautiful stained glass space of Trinity’s Upper Room (head upstairs to the right, when you enter the church building).

Yoga means to “yoke” or “unite,” and is more than just a physical exercise of movements and postures (asana). It is a practice to bring together our bodies, souls, and minds in order to strengthen our connection to the divine.

Please contact Phylis at or by calling/texting at 203-606-4249 if you have additional questions or require any accommodations. Bring water and a mat, if you have one!

Join us for these upcoming dates; no experience is necessary:

  • Sunday, August 6 at 9am in the Upper Room

  • Sunday, September 3 at 9am in the Upper Room

Kyle PichaComment
Get your Trinity Nametag!

Get Your Trinity Nametag!

In the Narthex

In an effort to be more welcoming to new and longtime Trinity members, we are trying out nametags!

Anyone who is interested in having a magnetic button nametag can join us to design your own nametag, or have someone make a nametag for you. These nametags will be stored on a magnetic sheet in the narthex, and can be picked up when you enter the church on Sunday mornings. Non-magnetic nametags will also be made available to those who need them.


1. Design your nametag on a white circle with markers, place it in the envelope of finished nametags, and we will make it into a button over the course of the week.

2. Store it - once you have your nametag, it will appear on a magnetic board in the narthex. You can collect your nametag from the board every week, and return it there at the end of the service.

3. Have a problem with magnets? Write a note on the back and we will make a pin button instead.

4. Newcomer? We will provide sticker nametags for people who are new or don't have their usual nametag for any reason.

Name tags are always optional!


Your name! (first, or first and last is fine) You might also consider:

  • Decorations - use the markers provided, add a drawing or sticker that makes you happy, or commission one of our kids to help with your design!

  • Pronouns - do you go by she, he, or they?

Questions? Email Rev. Heidi (

Kyle PichaComment