This summer we have a few opportunities for individuals to step up and volunteer to make our church a more hospitable place. These opportunities are on top of the ongoing work of our usher team (thank you!).
Serving at Coffee Hour: We are looking for volunteers who can sign up for a Sunday to help stand by the kitchen island in the undercroft, welcome people, and assist with serving food during Coffee Hour. Food will be provided by staff or vestry on most Sundays, though additional contributions are very welcome.
Name Tag Greeter: Stand by the door and help people find their name tag on the magnetic board, or help them a name tag if they don’t already have one. We are coming up on the one-year anniversary of our new name tags, and many people have expressed their gratitude for name tags as a way of getting to know others better. Help us continue this ministry of welcome.
Reach out to Rev. Heidi if the above opportunities interest you.