Chapel on the Green needs your help! On Sunday, March 19th, Trinity signed up to sponsor Chapel on the Green. This entails making sack lunches from 12:30-2:00 and distributing them from 2:30-3:00. The meal is an integral part of feeding the CotG community in body, mind, and spirit, and we would be so grateful for your help. Please email Lisa Levy at for questions or to sign up. Thank you!
With the St. Patrick’s Day parade scheduled at the same time, Chapel on the Green will not have it’s regular Eucharist this Sunday at 2 p.m. Instead, the community will gather for sandwiches, coffee and fellowship on the Trinity apron. We wish everyone a festive and safe parade weekend!
Adult Education at 9:30 in Undercroft begins a series on Women's History Month: Charles Lemert with present on the modern day Saint and founder of the Catholic Workers Movement
Dorothy Day, The Long Loneliness
All Parishioners are invited to our "Read | Pray | Do Lenten Stations." They are back with all new activities and experiences for all ages. You are invited to explore four Lenten themes: Prayer, Service to Others, Reflection, and Resurrection. Now through April 2 in the Undercroft.
There will be a planning meeting during coffee hour for the “ Of Many One” spring Art Exhibit in the library. All are welcome to assist in planning, coordinating, and promoting the upcoming Art Exhibit, which will include performance components for the opening.
Come join us for a Mid-Lent Hymn Sing - Sunday, March 19 at 5 pm in the church, followed by a soup supper in the Undercroft. If you'd like to request a hymn please submit using the form below before Friday, March 10. One request per person, please, and due to limited time requests are first come-first served as received. Hymns that are in our parish repertoire are given priority.
Come and join us this Sunday, February 26, 5pm, Trinity on the Green, for the next Celtic Prayer service. To quote Reginald Vincent Holmes: "The earth has its music for those who will listen" (From: Fireside Fancies). The quote summarizes beautifully the scope of this prayer service. Praying with nature and the earth as the original temple created by the divine feel unfamiliar but contains surprising riches and melodies that open our hearts for God our Creator in new ways.
Join Phylis Iqbal on Fridays for Yoga, 5:30pm, on Zoom. Phylis is an experienced and certified Yoga trainer who has been at Trinity member for almost then years. She currently is a Trinity Vestry member and active in many ways to serve our church and community.
Phylis Iqbal was born in Lahore, Pakistan and grew up in Cheshire, CT. She began practicing yoga in 2008. She completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training program in 2020 and is currently completing an additional 300 hour training program.
Beginning on Friday, February 24th at 5:30 PM, you can join her each week to participate in a half hour to 45 minute asana practice via Zoom. This is a practice for all abilities and bodies.
Yoga means to “yoke” or “unite,” and is more than just a physical exercise of movements and postures (asana). It is a practice to bring together our bodies, souls, and minds in order to strengthen our connection to the divine.
Please contact Phylis at or by calling/texting at 203-606-4249 if you have additional questions or require any accommodations.
Zoom Meeting ID: 722 977 6270
Passcode: 576584
The Trinity Writing Group will begin meeting on Friday, March 3rd at 6:30 PM.
We meet once a month both in-person and over Zoom. There is a writing activity, workshop, and readings. If people are interested, they should contact Phylis at or by text at 203-606-4249.
Anyone interested and writers of all genres and abilities are encouraged to join.
Join us three Sunday evenings in March for a community dinner and fellowship! Attend our 5pm Sunday Service, then move downstairs to the undercroft for a simple soup supper and conversation. Whether you are new to Trinity or a longtime member: come to connect with others this Lent
Lent Soup Supper Dates (5pm Service, followed by a meal in the undercroft):
March 5 – Taize Worship
March 19 – Mid-Lent Hymn Sing
March 26 – Choral Evensong
Questions, or interested in helping to cook? Contact Leigh Cromey (
Save the Date!
“The Bell Affair” Documentary Viewing
Sunday, April 23, 2023, following the 10:30am Service
The event: A viewing of the documentary entitled “The Bell Affair,” an outgrowth of the book A Question of Freedom: The Families who Challenged Slavery from the Nation’s Founding to the Civil War, by William G. Thomas III.
The Bell Affair is an animated documentary, but the story that it portrays is very real, born out of archival documents, the court record, newspaper accounts, and other contemporaneous sources. Below is a guide for each setting of the film and the historical record that informed the decisions made about its portrayal and the events that happened in each of these key places.
Host: Jeffrey H. Tignor
Program Chair: Eleanor Q. Tignor
Lenten Speaker Series
This year we revive our Lenten sermon series with five guest preachers who will reflect on our Lenten theme, “treasure in clay jars.” Our guests will also join us at coffee hour for continued conversation.
FEBRUARY 26 | The Rev. Yejide Peters Pietersen, Associate Dean and Director of Formation, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale
MARCH 5 | The Rev. Bruce D. O'Neill, Rector, St. Clement's Episcopal Church, Berkeley, CA and adjunct faculty, Church Divinity School of the Pacific
MARCH 12 | The Rev. Tracy Johnson-Russell, Rector, St. Monica's Episcopal Church, Hartford CT; Executive Director and Co-Founder, Your Place Youth Center
MARCH 19 | Lisa Levy, Chapel on the Green Coordinator, Trinity Episcopal Church and Program Coordinator, Loaves and Fishes
MARCH 26 | David Zahl, Founder and Director, Mockingbird Ministries; author of multiple books, including Low Anthropology: The Unlikely Key to a Gracious View of Others (and Yourself)
Now is a great time to support the work of the Trinity choristers: the Mabel's Labels Warehouse Sale! Custom labels for home, daycare, school, college, camp, sports.... all at sale prices for a limited time. A portion of your purchase will benefit the Choir Activity Fund. Click here, search "Trinity Boys Choir / Trinity Girls Choir," and never lose an item again! Thank you for your support!
Trinity parishioner and folk singer David Lindsay, along with Kathleen Schomaker, will lead us in a joyful, interactive, half hour of song. We’ll be singing some of his original titles for children as well as some of his favorites from Raffi and others. Join us in the Undercroft on February 19 at 9:30 AM.
Join us for our child-friendly, 25-minute, interactive Family Worship Service this Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Undercroft. Families with babies and toddlers are invited to meet afterward in the Nursery for our Little Blessings Play Group.
Partner with Episcopal Relief & Development to provide support to people affected by the deadly earthquake along the border between Turkey and Syria. Visit today to make a contribution to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Response Fund.
Following the 9 am and 10:30 am services on Sundays February 5 and 12th, a choirparent will be in the Undercroft to sell Valentines Day cards complete with a recorded greeting of the trebles of the choir! This initiative has been on hiatus due to the schedule changes necessitated by the pandemic but they're starting up again. They'll be at the table closest to the Undercroft refrigerator for the next two Sundays leading up to Valentines Day. Remember someone with a special card - proceeds directly benefit the Choir Activity Fund.
Parish-wide Coffee Hour Potluck this Week
This Sunday’s coffee hour is brought to us by: YOU! Bring your cookies, cakes, and crudité to coffee hour to share, following our 10:30am service.
The parish-wide coffee hour potluck is every first Sunday of the month.
Food and Personal Care Donations
Food insecurity is at its highest ever, with the cost of essential food rising with no end in sight. Please consider picking up an extra non-perishable item or 2 to bring to church. I usually look at the aisle caps for things on sale, such as soup, beans, cereal, or peanut butter. There is also a need for personal care items, such as toothpaste, soap, and feminine care products.
There will be a basket at the back of the church which will be brought to the altar with the collection.
Donations will be delivered to the Milford Food Bank each week.
Any questions, contact Gloria Hoda 203-430-4066
Trinity Book Group is meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, February 21st at 7:30pm.
We will be discussing is an American Civil war novel, The Red Badge of Courage written by Stephen Crane. Metaphorically, the red badge signals courageousness and is longed for by the young soldier in the story
If you wish to know more about the book group and to receive the link to join us for this discussion, please contact